Reliable Broadcast Playout System

You work hard to deliver quality programming to viewers and positive results to advertisers. Have confidence that your broadcast playout system works reliably to support your efforts. Designed around the integrated playout model, Central Control is an industry-leading master control system that delivers reliable playout with advanced media workflow solutions.


Central Control is a comprehensive and fully integrated master control and automated software toolset that provides modules to execute all the processes that converge into playout. Through Central Control, operators can maximize efficiency through capabilities that deliver full linear channels including traffic integration, inventory and media asset management, offline playlist scheduling, system monitoring and reporting, syndicated content processing, and automated feed recording. Central Control incorporates intelligent workflows that streamline playout processes ensuring you can reliably and efficiently operate more channels.


We understand the workflow needs of a 24/7 linear operation and the requirement for maximum efficiency. Central Control offers a set of tools that are organized around the logical best practices for handling high volumes of content, traffic coordination, and playout. Every task that can be automated is incorporated. The tasks that require the human touch are designed to be accessible, straightforward, and easily repeatable.

The Benefits of Central Control



Ingesting and prepping video programming for broadcast playout is easier than ever with Central Control Ingest. It supports router control and manages all live feed recordings with flexible scheduling tools. Segmented programs and individual spots can be trimmed and in/out points set quickly and registered for airplay with the built-in manager. To ensure trouble-free playback, Ingest automatically verifies format, validates the entire content, creates proxies, and conducts transcoding if required. It even includes delayed playback.

Media Management

Central Control Media Management is the powerful engine that drives the complete end-to-end broadcast playout system. It serves as the interface between traffic systems and playout automation. It supports BXF and other formats for scheduling, dubbing, and purging. Playlists can be manually built or edited before being appended to a channel. Media is neatly categorized and discoverable, with all types supported (video, graphics, audio). Flexible template-driven tools allow for an array of secondary events and automation workflows.


Support your most demanding broadcast needs in a unified expandable environment. Central Control Playout features a deep set of versatile tools and the ability to adapt to last-minute changes. Eliminate transcoding with direct back-to-back playback of mixed elements with different frame rates, CODECs, and wrappers. Scale automatically in SD/HD and insert still and animated graphics, SCTE triggers, real-time transition effects, and text with the built-in engine.

Local Facilities to Central Casting

Manage a few channels or many. Our multi-channel Control Panel allows broadcasters to manage remote processes from a central operations center. The system also lets local operations control their branding and ad insertion/live events, and all transactions can be monitored by the Hub Monitoring Panel in real-time. Station-wide content is processed at the central operations center and sent to all remote stations, thereby eliminating duplication of effort and increasing operational efficiencies.


See Central Control in Action

Our Central Control broadcast playout system is a comprehensive and integrated master control and automation solution that provides streamlined workflows to deliver full linear channels.


Let’s Get Started

Bring efficiencies to your media workflow. Get in touch for a free, live demo of any of our media software solutions today, including the Central Control broadcast playout system.

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