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Using artificial intelligence to manage and monetize your content is getting more accessible

With their ability to provide video storage cheaper and more flexibly than on-premises systems, cloud-based video archiving services have established themselves in the broadcast TV and streaming video markets. Their competitive edge is now being sharpened by the integration of artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to cloud-based archiving systems—making these systems more accessible to users than ever before.
The AI/ML Advantage
The simplest way to understand AI/ML’s positive impact on cloud-based video archiving is this: AI/ML helps these platforms do everything they do better.
“Machine learning in the cloud has been a huge step forward in expanding its range of capabilities,” said Sam Peterson, COO of Bitcentral. “Speech-to-text and language translation have been two of the big advances lately, but these are only the tip of the iceberg.”
“Metadata AI and Generative AI are all the rage since ChatGPT opened eyes to what can be achieved,” agreed Jonathan Morgan; senior vice president of product and technology at Perifery, a division of DataCore Software. “Like a glove fits a hand, AI is built on data, and when it comes to media archives there is both a wealth of information and monetizable assets.”
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